My son and his wife are 8th grade sweethearts. They waited until after college to get married. In college they said they wanted kids right away because they wanted to be young parents and take their kids on adventures and travel while they still had lots of energy. That's how my kids were raised. We took them everywhere. By the age of 13 they had multiple passport stamps, could navigate an airport, read a map on road trips, ski, climb, bike and camp. But then they started their adult lives, got careers, and traveled. Without kids. And they liked it. Too much. Now at 30, the oldest son who is a financial analyst did what he does best. He did a cost-benefit analysis on having children. and of course it was a big negative financially. They are a double-income-no-kids couple and enjoying a happy metropolitan lifestyle living in Washington DC. They have 2 giant bunnies (Hershal and Ishtar,) and love their lives. 
Research shows that in 2022 it cost over $300,000 to raise a child from birth to age 17. That figure does not include college or if they go to private schools prior to college. So, honestly I don't really blame them. Of course I could try to explain to them that the benefits to parenthood are not about the financial return. But, I believe you need to be all in if you are going to raise children, not feel obligated. I couldn't imagine my life without them but that was my choice. They say they will revisit the thought when they are 34. For now, I am just enjoying spending time and traveling with my adult children, without little ones around. 


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