Obscene Amount of Stuff

 This week's learning was about operational management. I read numerous articles about Amazon and their amazing logistics and state of the art supply chain. I discovered the obscene amounts of vehicles of transportation they have in their employ. One variety is shipping containers. 10,000 of them. They are very useful as they are able to be filled by suppliers overseas, loaded onto trains at docks and then lastly put on semi-trailers. It was September 2023 when my husband and I were on an overlanding trip through Arizona, Utah and Colorado. We were in Utah when we first saw the long train carrying shipping containers bearing the familiar Amazon Prime logo. It was an astounding amount of containers. We counted 85 rail cars, each carrying 2 containers, all Amazon. We pondered what was in them and where were they headed. Then in Southern Colorado, we saw another one. That time we lost count. Once again, we discussed the possible contents. We couldn't decide if it was just an obscene amount of stuff or so many necessary items that people are waiting for. Either way, seeing that long snaking train on the beautiful desert landscape was awe inspiring and thought provoking. 


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